Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23, Grandaughter's Painting

Circus Elephant, Sami, age 5


Ken said...

I guess being an artist is in the blood. Looks good. Ken

Anonymous said...

OMG...she did a great job! And I also love your art boxes! Jen

inki said...

Ya Jen, she did. :)
Thanks on boxes, they were fun!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that is really good. At 49 I can't draw a stick man...

I remember my mother sending me and my sister to art classes.

We were to shade a orange . I drew a round circle. That was it, I was done.

My sister made a orange. It looked as if was in our hands, the teacher was impressed.

But, my biggest memory was my sister took my round circle, and tried to give me a creative bone.

She, after all is my BIG sister...

inki said...

jodi ((hug))