Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22, Pens

I am using blogger feature to upload images on this post because Picassa/Hello seems to have lost my, I am hoping this even shows up.
After posting pics of my sketchbooks, I thought some of my pens would be next. These are some of my markers. Well, the ones I use the most anyway.


Cin said...

!!!!! this is yours or the art stores!!?? the sketchbooks and now the pens, you know these are perfect pictures ;D

inki said...

Glad you like the pics, cin. Yes, these are my pens. I enjoy seeing other artists post their supplies and just picked a couple things to post too. :)

Julie Durocher said...

ok...I already commented on this once, but I wasn't logged in and it didn't show up, so if it shows up twice, I won't feel bad if you delete it...all that to say: I can't believe you own all those markers/pens. Do they all work? I am always finding pens and markers that don't work but I think that is probably thanks to my kids because they like to help themselves to my stash!

inki said...

heheh Julie, ya, they work, and one reason is that I store them on their sides. This is the first post I have seen of yours on this thread. It must not have "took".

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have all those pens either!

inki said...

lol..yes you can! heh